Some Dogs

Some dogs get many years
And others just a few
Some dogs never even miss
The things they never knew

Some dogs get it easy
And others get it hard
Some dogs never find true peace
Just being as they are

Some dogs try so very hard
And others dont try much
Some dogs dont like being pet
And Some long for our touch

Some dogs give us answers
To the questions that we ask
And some they help us heal ourselves
From the pain that's in our past

Some dogs love to bite
And others love to kiss
Some dogs help us understand
The reason we exist

Some dogs never get a chance
And some they get too many
Some dogs have a ton of friends
And some they don't have any

So no matter what you end up with
Whether many or a few
whichever dog that you may get
It’s the dog that’s meant for you

Eric Stokell