Tribute to Taya


I know one day the time will come
I know one day I’ll see
An old dog standing before me
Where a young one used to be

I know not how long we have left
Til you’ll no longer run
And play and hike and jump around
Then lay out in the sun

I do not know when We’ll say bye
Or at least goodbye for now
And how long I will dream of you
Or feel you here some how.

And if I knew I’d have to say
I wish I could forget
For it’s the simply mystery
Which Leaves no room for regret

I wont regret hours not spent
For there was just a few
And hardly even one day passed
That was not spent with you

And so one day when I say bye
And send you on your way
I will not wish we had more time
Instead I will just say

Thanks for all the time we had
The times you made me mad
The times you were the only one
To help when I was sad

The times we hiked
The times we camped
The times
we ran and played

The times we both
lay down
and napped
Quietly In the shade

I will not wish for more time
For the time I had with you
Was simply the best gift I ever
Had or even knew

And if I wished to have more time
I’d feel that I would say
That I was not grateful enough
For the memories we made

And though there could have more time
And For that many do pray
Ill simply say thanks for the time
For each and every day

I had with you
It was a gift
And for that
I’ll always pray

That I never
forget all the good
Ill lose when
You go Away

Rest In Peace
Until Valhalla!
Mama Taya aka Grandma Tony 1-1-09 to 3-31-22
With Sadness and gratitude we say “go free”

Eric Stokell