Still There


There’s a part of me still there
Out in that place we went to
A part of me never left
I remember being out there with you
Knowing always that our time would be cut short
I always told myself that we didn’t have much time left
And I couldn’t have been more right
And so we made the most of it when we could
And yeah………a part of me is still there

I remember sitting there just taking it all in
The beauty of nature and the solitude
And that oh so incredible feeling
Of being with my pack out in the bush
And moving together as one

If you have never had that experience of moving together off leash
In a new place with your dog
That confidence to know that your connection to the dog is stronger
Than any leash than any treat pouch or remote control
That there is no distraction too great to handle
To feel that sense of connection
If you have never felt that
I pray for you that one day you will

It was out there some years ago that I left part of myself
It was one of those moments in which I took the time to take in
To cherish and know that one day
I may need to go back there
If even just for a moment
To remember the connection we had there
And to know that still
In some mysterious way I will never understand
We are still connected
We are still out there
Moving and dancing
As one

Rest in peace Taya and Henry….
It’s only these memories that make it ok
That make me feel so grateful
Even amidst the pain of losing you both in such sad ways

Eric Stokell