

Sometimes I forget why we work so hard on the basics
And then we have a day like we had yesterday
8 miles, much of it off trail in rarely traveled areas of the National forest
Emmaniti carried her backpack
I carried mine
At one point we went to get water in a creek
“Find the trail” I told her
And off she went through the bushes
Right back the way we came
The rest of the hike was so effortless
So peaceful
So beautiful
It was like I had all the ease of hiking without a dog
Plus all the benefits of having a dog come with
I hardly had to say her name
I didn’t need any training tools
Or treats
Although I had them with me just in case
The craziest part of it all, is Emmaniti has rarely been on a hike with me
Let alone without other dogs to show her the way

This is why we train….so the memories we make
Will be so grand
They will echo on through eternity

Why do you train?

Eric Stokell