Scout Poem


Her name is Scout
We call her Pooh Bear
She is a powerful being
Yet so sensitive at times
We went at the pace that she needed
We listened as we went
Every step of the way
I remember the 1st time we met
She was just a few years old
Now she’s 3 and happy and off leash
Her owner must be so proud
As I know that I am
As I know that Emmaniti and Holly are as well
And Katia and Jeff
We are all so proud
I walk into the yard today
Some stones mark the places
My old dogs are buried
The ones who taught me what I know
A bird flies by
A little breeze
The ancestor dogs
They wanted to tell her
They are so proud of her as well

I will never get over losing them
Sometime I have dreams of them
Sometimes I just sit and think of them
Sometimes I cry
All the while knowing
What they taught me
Will never die
And brings life each day
To dogs like scout


Eric Stokell